Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic



Covid times were one of the most stressful days in our lives. Depression was taking a toll on most people’s mental health. People lost their loved ones, some lost their jobs, and some suffered mental health ailments. Also, managing mental health was one of the major concerns during the pandemic.


Managing mental well-being became tough during a humanitarian crisis when everyone went through a lot. Read this story to unravel more about it.

Why was Mental Health affected a lot?

People’s mental health has taken a beating as they try to cope with these health, social, and economic consequences. Many of us developed anxiety, but for some, the effects of COVID-19 have been considerably more severe. Several people have expressed emotional pain and PTSD, anxiety, or depression symptoms. Furthermore, there have been concerning indicators of increased suicidal ideation and behavior, even among those employed in the medical field.

There have been disproportionately greater impacts on some communities. Forcing a child or adolescent to stay home may have contributed to developing risk factors. As per WHO’s report, 45% of women reported having experienced direct or indirect violence. It indicates that domestic violence has been a significant source of stress for women.


How were people affected during covid times?

The COVID-19 epidemic has devastated the world’s healthcare infrastructure, economy, and communities and is widely considered one of the greatest global catastrophes in decades. There have been many casualties and losses of income.

Managing emotions was never easy during the lockdown. People were feeling grappled with emotional instability and turbulence. Here are some of the other ways people got affected:

  • Lost their loved ones
  • Layoffs during covid times
  • Vulnerable to negative emotions
  • Seclusion and isolation led to suicidal thoughts


Strategies Adopted to Fight Mental Stress

WHO advised the government and their organization to mitigate the mental stress levels in people. This was done by implementing several ways:

  • Providing social support:

    Organizations were advised to help people with mental health. These organizations started to provide counseling sessions and mental support to people.


  • Taking care of People:

    All response efforts were incorporated to aid in mental health and psychological factors. There were clinics set up to detect and treat mental health issues.


  • Special care to Employees:

    As a matter of ethics and patient care, every possible practice was taken to shield their employees. The negative effects of prolonged stress and mental illness were mounting, so preventive measures were always taken against it.


  • Limiting its impact on health:

    Mental health treatment providers have taken steps to limit the impact of interruptions. It was ensured to keep public health and social safety nets in place.


Wrapping Up

Like other continuing problems, the COVID-19 epidemic has increased the need to bolster global mental health services. Responders, public health planners, and the general public have benefited from international organizations’ guidance, tools, and resources. Moreover, the health systems have become more robust than ever.