5 Most Common Mental Health Disorders That No One Knows Yet

Written by Anjali Bisht
 5 Most Common Mental Health Disorders


Development of mental health disorders are common these days and there is no age limit. It happens to people of any age and they are clueless about the solution. We know it is daunting to come out from such conditions. All its symptoms can range in severity and it is very hard to distinguish.

If you are not au fait with common mental disorders, then this blog is for you. If any of your family members are facing such conditions then do not waste time in consulting the right healthcare consultant to help you.

We have decided to start with the most common:


There are plenty of causes of depression, such as lack of interest in activities once you were pro, difficulty concentrating, changing eating and sleeping patterns, and so on. Do you know more other reasons behind its development? Let us inform you that it can develop through medical conditions, family history, medication side effects, etc.


Yes, it is common and it is also the fact that people don’t go for the treatment on time and later on feel regret. This condition develops over time due to a life experience or changes in brain chemistry. If you are struggling with this problem, then consult with the right doctor because treatment is required to help you.

Eating disorders:

There is another common psychological disorder and the name is eating disorders. Do you know how this problem can happen? It develops through social pressures, anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, etc. For assistance, if you consult a better healthcare consultant then he/she will help you in making a nutrition plan and discuss therapy. Last year, there were numerous people who were facing eating disorders. They made a decision to go for therapy and make a nutrition plan. Now they are out of this problem.


There is another one of the most prevalent mental illnesses and that is dementia. Do you know what is it? This progressive disorder means loss of memory, language, and problem-solving that makes your day-to-day life more difficult to live. This condition called Dementia is increasing in 2023 as several people are facing this problem. Currently, there is no cure for this problem. If we get to know about it, we will surely update to help you.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

Last but certainly not least, the name is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This condition is triggered by sexual assault, violence, witnessing trauma, and much more. If any of your friends are facing this problem then it means he/she is struggling with unwanted memories and nightmares too. The person will engage in avoidant behaviors to reduce the risk of trauma resurfacing. What’s the solution? It can be treated with some best medications. To manage symptoms, therapy will also work wonders.


Final wordings:

These are prevalent or you can say top mental health conditions that are going on. Instead of delaying it, it is mandatory for people to consult a better healthcare consultant to remove symptoms. And yes, therapy after treatment can recover you faster.