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Edit the sent messages

WhatsApp now allows you to retract previously sent messages. To edit an item, simply long-press it and choose the option to do so from the context menu. Remember that this will only operate for the first 15 minutes after a message has been delivered.

Edit the messages after hitting the sent button

You can't pull any sneaky stunts once you've edited and sent a message because the recipient will notice the words "Edited" next to the message. But revision history won't be visible.

More like Android messages

The functionality is the same as what is already available in the Android beta, where users can just hit a message and tap the "Edit" button to make changes.

Only visible to the sender

Only the sender will see an "edited" label on messages on WhatsApp, whereas iMessage will show a history of edits to other users.

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More like Telegram’s editing feature

The method more closely resembles that of Telegram in this scenario.

Edit only messages

It's also important to remember that the edit function is only available for text messages and not for captions of images, videos, or documents.

End-to-end Encrypted texts

WhatsApp needs to provide information on when this feature will be made available. All of these will, of course, still use end-to-end encryption.

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