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Explore the Power of Words at Load the Box Book Fair

Feel the magic of books as the nation's capital becomes a paradise for readers.

A Book Lover’s Dream Come True

From July 27th to July 30th, they will host the most highly anticipated event of the year, the Book Fair in Delhi (Aga Khan Hall, Bhagwan Das Lane, Mandi House, Delhi)

Dive Into the Wonderful World of Books!

Put books in a box, pay for the box, and send it out! Here are some fascinating things book lovers in Delhi can look forward to.

Free Entry!!

You can visit the book fair for free. Take advantage and read some of the best novels in the world! This is a fantastic opportunity for all you bookworms to save a tonne of money.

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Fire Up Your Love of Reading and Meet Other Bookworms!

Visit the Book Fair in Delhi to meet other readers and writers who share your passion.

Take a Trip Through Literature and Find Some Rare Treasures!

This festival is a paradise for word lovers, with panel talks and book signings galore. Explore the works of new writers, broaden your horizons, and enter fantastical realms via the magic of literature.

Enjoy the Thrill of Literary Celebrations!

From July 27th through the 30th, Visit Delhi for the Book Fair and experience the enchantment of books.

Grateful for your time!

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